Cyazon Takes Us Behind The Scenes Of ‘One More Time’


Cyazon, an artist known for his seamless blending of various Electronic subgenres, continues to make waves with his innovative productions. With the recent release of his track ‘One More Time,’ Cyazon delves deeper into the realms of Drum & Bass while retaining his signature melodic touch. In this exclusive interview, we sat down with Cyazon to uncover the creative process behind the track, the influence of genre experimentation, and his hands-on approach to both the production and mixing stages. ‘One More Time’ showcases his meticulous sound design and an ear for creating an emotional yet energizing sonic journey. In this conversation, we dive deeper into the production of ‘One More Time’ and how it came together. 

Hi Cyazon, congrats on the release of ‘One More Time’! Have you had any listener response or feedback on the release yet? 

Thank you! I have not received any listener response or feedback on this release, but maybe soon. 

Could you walk us through the creative process that led to the inception of the track? 

The elements behind this track that led to the inception of it were mainly the intro pluck synth at the very beginning of the track, and the main synth lead. The intro synth melody and progression were created with a Juno X synthesizer, which inspired most of the melodic synths in the track. The main synth lead was inspired by a track from the artist Dimension called ‘Remedy’.  

You’ve been exploring different substyles like Drum & Bass and Dubstep lately: how did this experimentation influence your approach to ‘One More Time’? 

I have always been experimenting with Dubstep so that is not new to me. As for  

Drum & Bass, I made a few Drum & Bass tracks before ‘One More Time’, which led me to gain some experience producing the genre. So, gaining that experience influenced my approach to creating ‘One More Time’. 

The arrangement of ‘One More Time’ evolves as the track progresses. Can you tell us about the process for planning out the structure and soundscape of the production? 

There really is not a lot of planning that goes into the structure and soundscape for the song. A lot of it is creating what feels right in the moment while producing. As for how the process went for the structure of the song, I started with the intro, then made the choruses, and finished with the outro, so a very linear process. For the soundscape, I chose the sounds I wanted to use while I was working on the song. 

Looking back at the production process, is there a particular moment or element in ‘One More Time’ that you’re most proud of? 

I really enjoyed and proud of the melody and progression I created in the intro. The pluck synth is from the Juno X synthesizer. 

What role did the mixing and mastering process play in achieving the final sound of the track? Did you work with any specific engineers or tools to bring your vision to life? 

Mixing and mastering plays a major role in improving the sonic quality of the track. It finalizes the track and makes it ready to be released. I did not work with any engineers on this track, as I mixed and mastered everything myself, and I used the same tools as I usually do for mixing and mastering. 

The track features a captivating female vocal line. How did you select these vocals? What role do you feel the vocals play in the overall feel of the track? 

I pitched this song to a variety of vocalists, heard their previous music, and I chose a vocalist that would be fitting for the song based on how the vocalist sounds. I feel the vocals help fill out the empty space in the track, and specially create a memorable hook line, which is ‘One More Time’. 

What software or hardware did you rely on most heavily during the production of ‘One More Time’? 

As for hardware, the Juno X synth and software, Arturia Analog Lab V. 

Can you describe the process of developing the synth work and beats in ‘One More Time’? How did you achieve the balance between the bold beats and the detailed synth layers? 

For the intro pluck synth and pad/strings, I used a Juno X synthesizer. For the main synth lead I used a Prophet synth from Arturia Analog Lab V. For the intro basses, I used the Juno X. For the drums, I used a lot of percussion loops and cymbals. For the main kick and snare, I layered multiple kicks and snares together and created a simple Drum & Bass pattern. Achieving the balance mainly comes down to mixing and balancing the volume levels. 

Finally, what’s next for you after the release of ‘One More Time’? 

I have another self-release Drum & Bass single coming out later in September. 

Cyazon’s journey into Drum & Bass with ‘One More Time’ marks another exciting chapter in his exploration of Electronic music. His ability to craft intricate soundscapes, balanced with impactful beats and evocative synth work, showcases his evolution as a producer. As we anticipate the release of his next single later this month, it’s clear that Cyazon continues to push boundaries and shape his sound with every track; his dedication to mastering every aspect of his production ensures that his music remains dynamic, fresh, and forward-thinking. 

Listen and Buy ‘One More Time’ Now:  


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